Lili is learning to tell time to the hour. I printed her several worksheets, activities and cut-outs to help her understand the clock. After she finished each page we cut some of them up and made a sort of lapbook/clock folder. She enjoyed it all and colored everything after we were done putting it together. She LOVES to color. Now the folder tri-folds shut and holds the worksheets that were not used in making the clock folder. She can now tell time to the hour and is starting to learn the half hour.

The weather is finally cooling off a bit so we planned a picnic one day. I pulled the girls in our wagon to the bike trail and found a shady spot under a tree close to the park. While we ate our lunch we watched everyone on the bike trail. We kept track of how many bikes, people walking, dogs and people running so later we could make a chart or graph of who was on the bike trail that day. Lili made her bar graph of what we tracked on the bike trail. What we saw the most of were bikes and the least were people running.

Mystery Seed.....I came across this idea and thought we would give it a try. We found some dirt in our yard and put some in an empty yogurt container. We watered it everyday for the last week in hopes that there would be a mystery seed of some kind in that dirt. So far no luck. Looks like there wasn't anything in there but dirt.

Scavenger Hunt... both girls searched for, a flower, a small pebble, a rock with different colors, something green, something brown, a pine cone, a large smooth rock, a clover, something rough, something yellow, a Y-shaped twig and pine needles. They found everything. The large smooth rocks we painted. I need to take pictures of those. The items that could be pressed we pressed and are making scrapbook pages with them and some items (other rocks and pine cones) we took back outside. The girls love filling their buckets with "treasures".

Check out our discovery in the garden! Isn't he cute, to bad he is eating the tops of my carrots. I guess I'll let him stay a while so the girls can watch.

In addition to the above activities we also...
practiced writing Lili's full name, writing the capital and lower case letter E, counting by 5's, read lots of books (one on scavenger hunts and one on growing seeds), read some of Lili's level 2 books and learned new shapes (Octagon, Trapezoid, Pentagon and Hexagon).
Next week is....DINOSAUR WEEK!! Lili's choice :)
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