We are onto Lili's list of topics she wants to learn about. This week she chose dinosaurs. We read several books about dinosaurs from the library, made "fossils" in playdoh with toy dinosaurs and leaves/plants. We even had a meat-eater dine on an herbivore and leave his bones there in the play-doh, such imagination. We went outside and measured the size of several dinosaurs for a visual experience of how large they really were.
Tyrannnosaurus Rex- 45 feet
Triceratops- 30 feet
Brachiosaurus- 90 feet
Apatosaurus- 70 feet
Stegosaurus- 20 feet
Lili did a few math worksheets. They are sort of like a paint/color by number but to find the number in each piece of the picture you must figure out the addition problem. The answer gives you the number to know which color to use. Each worksheet/picture was of a different dinosaur. The first one I helped with and then we got out our math manipulative triangles and then Lili started whipping right through it on her own. She was so proud. We also made dinosaur skeletons by gluing different shaped pasta onto construction paper. I need to take a picture of them and post it next week. Lastly we made dinosaur eggs. We blew up balloons and then covered them in newspaper (paper mache) like you would for a pinata. Once they were dry we began painting them. They are currently drying and still need more painting so I will post pictures once they are done. Here are the pictures I took of them today, not quite finished.

In addition to our dinosaur theme we still checked out other books from the library. Lili and Gabi get to choose their books. Gabi has her own library card now and checks out her own books. Lili practiced writing her name, the letter Ff and the number 6. And of course lots and lots of play time with each other and mommy. See you next week!
Dinosaurs are awesome!!!