Jobs Week... This week we read books from the library about different jobs and kids thinking about what they would like to do when they grow up. We made a list of jobs to pretend throughout the week (doctor, dentist, artist, photographer, singer, construction worker, chef, etc...) We also took a few trips to visit people at their jobs. Lili had already been to see where both Grammy and Grandma work so this week we went to see Grandpa Riner , Daddy
and Aunt Nancy too. Lili got to sit in the new cars on the showroom floor. To bad my battery died on the camera or I would have more pictures. Her favorite car was the red Corvette. We filled helium balloons to bring home and got a tour of the body shop. There were lots of cars getting fixed. Lili loved it! Especially sitting in the driver's seat of all the cars. She also colored a mechanics picture for Grandpa.

Mail day!! Lili got a peek inside a mail truck and even got some mail of her own. We walked the block and saw what it was like to deliver the mail. Lili had fun and thought delivering the mail would be a fun job unless it was cold and snowing. She colored a mail carrier picture for Aunt Nancy.

At the end of jobs week Lili said she wants to be a ballet teacher and a mommy when she grows up. She also colored a picture for our dentist who we will be going to see soon and one for her dance teacher.
Homes pictures of this. The girls have been sick so homes week has been extended. We are working on a booklet of pictures of different homes (our house, homes for dogs, spiders, ants, etc...) and a workbook page booklet about different animal homes. We also got several books from the library about different types of homes.
In addition to our weekly themes we went to the library like usual for the girls to pick out books of their choice. Lili reads 2 of her level 2 blue books to me each day and she is getting really good. Uncle Tom brought over a couple dry erase mats with addition and subtraction problems on them. Lili got out her math manipulative triangles and started whipping right through it.
Hopefully Lili will be feeling better soon and we will start our next!