Sunday, November 4, 2012

Hello cold season

I just got over my 3rd cold for the season already.  I sure hope I am done and stay healthy through winter.  On the bright side the girls really enjoyed a couple sick days.  Sick days are way more fun when mom is sick and not you.  They were able to play all day and I tried my best to keep my germs to myself.  It was nice to see that even when I give them the day off I still find them working on school related things.  Lili read a few books and tracked her pages read for her reading log and Gabi was writing with Lili's help with spelling.   This past week was back to normal though.   

Lili wrote an acrostic poem about Barbie.  Normally she whines about writing and poetry is far from her favorite thing to write but since Barbie was the topic she didn't complain to much.  Why didn't I think of that sooner?  Same thing with Gabi, if I write as she dictates a made up story she will gladly do the copywork.  Of course the stories are very silly and almost always contain bathroom humor.  She is such a little lady.  At this stage it is just about them getting comfortable with writing.  Both the physical, penmanship and the creativity of making the story or poem.  So if non-traditional stories about toilets and bodily functions or poems about toys are what get it done I'm good with that.
Since I was on a roll with including things the girls love into our school lessons we used toys and things around the house to practice measuring inches and feet.  Running around the house measuring toys sure beats a worksheet.

Lili's new favorite is Venn diagrams and bar graphs.  That is the first thing she will pick if it is on the weeks lesson plans.  The past 2 weeks I have had them both on her lessons and we added a fun twist that left her working on it even after our normal school day was over.  She dressed two Polly Pocket dolls and created a Venn diagram on the similarities and differences between the two dolls.  That was such a huge hit that when it came time for bar graphs I had her sort all of her Barbie clothes in any way she wanted.  She chose to sort them by color.  Then she wrote down her results and created a bar graph to show the data.  Now if I can get her to enjoy all her school work that much.

Our homeschool group had a Halloween party again this year.  The kids love it!  They all dress up in their costumes (and so does this mommy), eat pizza and play some fun games together.  They had quite the full house this year since our group is growing.  Throughout the year we also enjoy many field trips, outings and park days together. 

Fun links I would like to share!!..............

*Madlibs has been a wonderful resource for learning nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns, adverbs, plural and singular, past and present tense.  Lili has picked up on it much faster and is retaining it all so much better since we started regularly doing these madlibs stories.   She loves this madlibs site and after you create your madlibs story you can print it out.

 * is awesome.  It is becoming my go to place for worksheets, printable games, etc...  We tried out this spelling dice game and Lili actually gave it a try.  She normally shies away from spelling.  I am trying to build her confidence in trying to spell words even when she is unsure.  This was a fun game.  Here is a link to the game.

*This came in an email from clickschooling.  I get their daily emails.  This site is for learning about science and some math through games, music and videos and it is very cute.  I haven't had a chance to look through the whole site but it seems geared toward younger children.  Check it out here.

Time to work on lesson plans for the next week or two.  Happy Sunday and have a great week!

“You will not reap the fruit of individuality in your children if you clone their education.”
Marilyn Howshall

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