Project this week...Ice Magic!
"Fill a glass with water and add one ice cube. Let a child lay a piece of string across the ice and try to pick up the ice with the string. Sprinkle a little salt over the ice cube, count to 10 and have child try again. Show child how the salt melted the ice just enough to bond around the string." This took us a few tries but worth the time for the excitement when we finally picked up the ice with string. Very cool!

U-Week...books about umbrellas, uncles and up. We talked about uncles and what makes someone an uncle. Uncle Carl! Couldn't find much to do for the letter U so we filled our time with workbook pages (Lili loves them), extra reading for the summer reading program at the library and fun with daddy (he had 2 days off this week).
V-Week...books about vegetables and volcanoes. Learned what a vertical line is and the difference between vertical and horizontal.
We made our own volcano!! "Place an empty baby food jar on a tray. Surround the jar with playdough. Form the dough to look like a mountain. Put a drop of red food coloring and a tablespoon of baking soda in the jar. Then add some vinegar to it to make it erupt." Lili and Gabi both thought this was FUN!! Especially all the bubbles when it "erupted." Next time I will stir in the red food coloring better. It all sat at the bottom so our lava wasn't red. The girls didn't mind though.

For our Friday art project we made sun visors for V-Week. We decorated them with lots of foams animals, hearts and their names.

W-Week...books about wagons, winter and wacky Wednesday! We reviewed the days of the week. Played with water outside in our water table. Lili and Gabi "painted" the driveway with paint brushes dipped in water. Then watched the sun make their art disappear. Daddy was home Friday again and joined in on the water fun. All three of them were soaked and smiling.
The girls also enjoy helping mommy water the garden.

Gabi is enjoying the summer fun too.

X-Week....not much starts with x so we went with words that have an x in it. So our books were about boxes, foxes, exercise and a taxi. Not exactly using the letter x but ideas were limited so here is our project this week..."Inclined plane.. slower and faster... do above.. except roll the ball down an inclined plane that is very steep vs almost parallel to the floor.. which ball rolls faster?" It was a hit! The girls continued to come up with games using their "ramp" while I made lunch. For art we each decorated a large letter X with stickers, markers and crayons.
Our Letter of the Week is approaching its end. Lili started writing her own list of topics to cover next. Time for mommy to get busy planning.
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