Inside Out Day! Lili and I wore our clothes inside out but Gabi didn't like the idea.
Dress Up Day! Lili tried on 3 different dresses before finally decided , she also did her own make up (blue eyeshadow and lip gloss)
Backwards Day! What could be funnier than overalls to wear backwards.
Crazy Hair Day! Inspired by the book. First she wanted to put toilet paper in her hair like one character in the book but after looking in the mirror she changed her mind and went with a 2nd look.
We added an extra day to our silly days because Grandma S. brought the girls matching pajamas so we had to have a TWIN DAY!!!
HAPPY EARTH DAY! Lili was set on going for a walk around the neighborhood to pick up garbage and clean the earth. Grandma S. stopped by to play and Lili asked her to go on the Earth Day Walk to clean up. They came back with a bag of garbage. We have a pretty clean neighborhood but she did manage to find several things to pick up and toss in the trash. Some plastic decorative leaves, plastic rings from a 6-pack, cigarette pack package and even a bow tie. She wanted to keep the bow tie but it was really dirty so she agreed that we could just take a picture of the trash she found and then dispose of the trash itself. Great compromise!

Mommy and Gabi drew this on the drive way while Lili played with Grandma on the swings. It was a fun earth day. :)

I-Week...we learned to measure in inches, talked about and pretended to be inspectors, made ice cream, YUM! And we played with instruments (keyboard, xylophone, drums, tamborine and a recorder.
J-Week...we used jelly beans to add, subtract and make patterns. We had an Easter egg hunt in the house. I filled eggs with small pieces of paper with words written on them. When Lili found all the eggs she could create sentences with the words from the eggs.
K-Week...Talked about and pretended to be kings, read about kangaroos. We mainly read books and took it easy. Monday of K-week Lili had 5 stitches put in her chin. She fell off kitchen chair. So we kept up on bandages and medicine and had some extra tv time this week.
L-Week...we played librarian. This was a hit. We played librarian for several days. Went outside to look at leaves and ladybugs with our magnifying glasses.
M-Week...We played matching games and the hanging monkeys game. Played mail carrier and practiced our address. We played with magnets. Lili went around the house trying to find things that our magnets would stick to. What things are magnets? We made monsters with paper, glue and leftover Easter basket grass. What great timing too, Lili and Gabi watched the movie Monsters Inc with daddy so we made our monsters look like one of the characters from the movie.
We also read lots of books on topics starting with all of our letters of the week. We have slowed down a bit with Lili's level 2 reading books. That is on my list of things to work on in the coming weeks.
We were in the car talking and Lili asked what we were going to do after we finish all the letters for each week. What happens after Z-Week mommy? I told her we would have to think of a topic of the week. She could think of things she wants to learn about and we will pick one topic for each week. So far she wants to learn about...dinosaurs, planets and trees. I will be busy working on those topics :)
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