Our project for our 1st day was to make a chain with the names of the people in our school...Lili, Gabi, Mommy and Daddy. We linked the chain together and hung it up. Lili helped write the names and decorated the links with her new markers. Lili also read book #3 by herself and she has almost got #4 down. It will be time for a sticker soon. We practiced the new words from book #4 that she has trouble with by putting them on our felt board so she can see the letters put together to make that word. We also played a game with the ball to work on eye hand coordination and timing to catch the ball after 1, 2 or more bounces. Our day went pretty well. It was a bit different for Lili since we had some set things to do for the day but there was plenty of time for her to add in her own ideas and games.
Gabi keeps herself busy with all the fun toys and of course tries to get into what Lili is doing now and then.
For our 2nd day of school we read some library books and played a game of memory with upper and lower case letters.
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