A few weeks ago Lili asked me to teach her to read. I had not planned on starting any formal teaching yet but since she asked we jumped right in. She had been watching a few Leapfrog dvds from the library and had already picked up most of the letter sounds and saw how putting the letters together made words. I think those dvds sparked the interest in learning to read. So I searched for the perfect first reader book set and found the program "Now I'm Reading!" We bought level 1 and it arrived this past Friday. She was so excited when she opened the box she hugged me and said "Thanks, Mom". And by Monday (yesterday) she had read her first book all by herself!!! She was thrilled to put her sticker in it that she had done it. She read it again this morning to herself. I hope to get it on video soon. 1 book down 19 left to go in the set. And there are 4 or 5 sets if you continue with this program. We are almost through book #2 and #3.
Lili is reading!!! Yay!!!
Good job Lili! Daddy is proud of you!