Lili and Gabi have been collecting rocks for a few years now. I don't
know why it didn't occur to me before to do a lesson on rocks since they
love them. They find neat rocks outside in the yard, on a walk, at the
beach, etc... They bring them in the house, wash them and add them to
their collection. Sometimes the rocks get painted too. We have many
painted rocks displayed in our school room and the girls have given
painted rocks as gifts to their grandparents. Lili even painted some
rocks to sell at her Grammy's yard sale last spring. She sold several
of them at her lemonade stand.
So today we dipped our hands in those rock collections and did some observations of our rocks. We read a bit about different types of rocks. Then is was time to bring out some tools. We used and string and a ruler to measure our rocks, a balance scale to weigh our rocks, magnifying glasses and a mini microscope to get a closer look at our rocks and our science notebooks to record our findings. It was definitely a fun activity for us all to do together. Below is a picture of some of our tools.