Our new art area of the school room is a hit. I moved a couple shelves down to a reachable level with art supplies that I feel confident in letting them get to on their own. And the corner of the floor is full of paper, markers, stickers, pom poms, googly eyes and items from the recycling bin they have potential to become something when creativity strikes. The girls are having a great time with it. Gabi loves cutting paper. Just cutting and cutting until the floor is covered in tiny bits of green paper. Almost always green because that is her favorite color. Lili has been branching out of her usual drawing and doing more with glue lately. She even got out everything and set it all up for her and Gabi to paint with watercolors.
I even walked in on Lili coming up with her own art/science project. She laid out the towel, found the sponges and made a wise choice for the container to hold the water. She sponge painted with the water and when I attempted to remind her that the water would dry she stopped me and said she knew what she was doing. The next day she brought the now blank paper to me and said "Look it is gone! It evaporated!" Love it!

My little garden helpers hard at work. Today they are starting a project to try and sprout seeds. Lili chose pumpkin seeds, Gabi chose cantaloupe and I was left with the watermelon seeds. We placed them inside folded wet paper towels and placed that on plastic plates and slid them into ziplock bags. We set them in a warm area upstairs and now time to wait.....we have since peeked in our bags and we all have some seeds sprouting but Lili has by far the biggest sprouts of all. She practically has plants in hers. We better get out soon and plant these. Pics next blog of our sprouted seeds and planting fun.

*Lili read book #4 from her level 3 reading set. Once her confidence catches up with her ability she will be off reading her favorite books all on her own.
*We are still using bookadventure.com. Lili recently cashed in more points. One prize was for a lunch date. She chose to have (to my surprise) White Castle with grandpa, grammy, uncle carl, aunt robin, mike and of course mommy, daddy and gabi. Luckily we were all together recently and had our sliders! She also cashed in for the prize of "an hour of playing barbies with mommy".
*I am trying to plan for more writing in her writing journal. We had been writing letters back and forth to each other but the topics were getting repetitive so this time I chose a topic (her favorite color) and she wrote about it. I asked questions about the color to provide more to write. Then of course I had to write about my favorite color too.
*Lili learned about what a collage is. We made collages from pictures we cut out of magazines and the newspaper. It was open to anything she wanted, whether a theme or just whatever she liked. She chose random photos that she liked and then added details with paint and letter stickers for her name.
And although this Mother's Day bouquet is my favorite color Lili learned that dandelions are actually weeds. All the better reason to pick every single one she could find and give them to me.