We learned about fire safety. We read books about preventing fires, what to do if there is a fire and many safety rules. Stop! Drop! and Roll! Stay low, 911, etc... After the stories and talking about fire safety we made a firefighter craft by cutting out of paper a head and hat for our firefighter and drawing on the face and gluing it together. They turned out cute, sorry no picture of them.
The girls helped me plant some seeds in the garden. We read a book about planting seeds and how they grow. We talked about roots and what they are for. To see a root at work we put a carrot in a jar with colored water and let it sit for a few days. Then we cut the carrot in half lengthwise to see that the carrot and pulled the colored water up through it's center. Lili was surprised that a carrot is a root and that she EATS ROOTS! lol
We took a field trip to bella boos, no pictures uploaded yet. The girls loved it! They had a water play room that they went to twice and had a great time. Gabi really liked the train room. They both loved shopping in the play store and cooking in the pizza parlor. There was a face painting room, reading room, dress up room, house/kitchen play room and a ball pit/slide room. Gabi lost her sock in the ball pit, yay daddy for finding the lost sock. We spent some time in the art room making a pirate ship out of a cardboard box, string and paint. Gabi painted a couple pictures and we brought the art and ship home. Since then Lili has added some stickers and a treasure chest made from a box from butter. For earth day we worked on the treasure chest and also pulled some stuff out of our recycling bin to possibly use for a project. There was a small cardboard box in the pile and although we didn't use it that day I left it in our school room. A couple days later Lili was in there cutting away at this box. She asked me for help with a couple things. She designed and had started working on making the box into a space ship. It came out really cool. We painted it and she gave it to daddy. Some creativity has been sparked!