Our 1st family vacation!!!!! May 24th we went to Indiana Beach for the day. The girls had so much fun. Lili's favorite ride is pictured below...the race car!! She loved screaming when it went down the hill. She also liked riding the airplanes, cars and motorcycles. Gabi's favorite ride was the boats. She also liked the train "choo choo" ride. She talked about the boat, choo choo and her ride bracelet the whole way home. She tried the merry go round and the fire truck ride but didn't like those.

Grandpa R. came with too. Grandpa introduced Lili to the yummy treat of elephant ears!! We played lots of games and the girls came home with arm fulls of prizes.
R-Week...Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! We did a couple recycling projects this week. Turning items from our recycling bin into something new and useful. First project was to take all of the broken crayons we had been saving and make them into new crayons. We put the crayon pieces into piles by color and then filled our muffin tin with the groups of crayons...

Next we put the muffin tin out in the sun for several hours. When the crayons were all melted we brought them in and put them in the refrigerator to harden. Now we have fun new crayons with swirls of color.

For our next recycling project we took a empty orange juice carton and washed it out. We cut it open to make a bird feeder.
Next we painted it and punched a couple holes in it to put string through so we can hang it in our yard. Here is picture of it finished with a bag of bird seed. Now it is time to go outside and hang it. We hung it in our backyard and to our surprise the tree we hung it from has a nest of birds in it and we could hear the babies chirping.

Some other things we did for R-Week were...
Books about robins (birds), the velveteen rabbit, little red riding hood, rain, ribbit (frogs) and robots (Wall-E).
Lili did several pages in her workbooks.
Rehearsal for Lili's recital
S-Week...Lili made a space ship! This was made out of an empty paper towel roll, a piece of card board cut from an empty cereal box and formed into the cone shape for the top, duct tape and stickers for decorating it.

More for S-Week...books about sand castles and snow and subtraction for math. We talked about jobs starting with S, like a scientist, salesperson, seamstress and a singer. Lili really liked the singer one and pretended she was a singer and sang for me and Gabi.
Lili's 1st dance recital was great! She had so much fun. She loved being on stage and watching the rest of the show in the audience. She has a couple weeks off and then summer classes start. She is moving up to Combo 1 and gets a pair of tap shoes. She is so excited!