The girls experienced their first live theater show on January 23rd. We went to see Curious George Live. It was a gift for Lili's birthday from Kris, Janic and Ben. They came to the show as well. Lili and Gabi both enjoyed the show and sat so well through the whole thing. Gabi surprised us and was really interested in the show and payed more attention than the older kids. They also enjoyed some popcorn, cotton candy and a snow cone. Gabi really liked the snow cone.

Here is Lili showing Gabi how fun the computer is. They love the games on PBS and NickJr online. Lili also likes starfall for reading.

Lili loves all the activity/workbooks she received for Christmas and her Birthday. She has almost finished a couple of them already. And Gabi is getting the hang of Lili's Leap Pad and kids laptop. She too will soon be using mommy and daddy's computers just like Lili does.

More of Lili flying through her activity books and Gabi is LOVING crayons! Lili isn't a big fan of coloring but Gabi seems to like it for now.

Other fun stuff we have been up to...
- Right after Lili's birthday she made an All About Me Book. Page one lists her age, weight and height. Page 2 is a tracing of her feet, page 3 is a tracing of her hands. The next page has info she wanted me write about the books we read from the library about the body. We learned about skin, bones, muscles, blood, brain, etc... We also have a page with a list Lili made (and I wrote) of all of her favorite things. Then there is a page with a collage Lili and I made from magazine cut outs of things she likes and some of her favorite things. During the "All About Me" week we also made two family trees. One with us and the grandparents and Uncle Carl and then a large one that also had aunts, uncles, cousins and great-grandparents.
- We have started learning about clocks and telling time. Lili gets the hour hand but I lose her on the minutes and how the 3 is for 15. We'll get there :)
- January 25th we started our first week of Letter Of The Week program. Every week we concentrate on a different letter. Lili learns to write the letter in uppercase and lowercase. We learn new words that start with that letter. We talk about and pretend with jobs starting with that letter. We do some kind of science activity related to the letter and look up science stuff on the computer with that letter. For example for letter B we looked up online information and pictures of Bird- bluebird ; Flower - buttercup ; Mammal - bison ; Ocean Creature - beluga whale. And on Fridays we do an art project based on the letter of the week. Lili is enjoying it a lot so far. And if we dont have enough to do with the Letter Of The Week I will also add other topics and activies in the week for us to do.
- We also do some kind of math activity everyday. Math with manipulatives (usually food, lol), addition, subtraction, math workbooks, board games, etc...
- Lili is learning about the calendar as well. She received a Disney Cars calendar for Christmas and everyday we check of the day before and she keeps track of her dance classes and family birthdays on it.
- Lili is still reading books from her level 2 Now I Am Reading set. She is doing well. The books are getting harder so we are moving a little slower with this set.